Public:About Signal Cartel

Revision as of 03:00, 20 November 2020 by Vega Blazar (talk | contribs)


Signal Cartel [1420.] is an EVE Online corporation designed from the ground up by founders Johnny Splunk, G8keeper, and Mynxee for peaceful explorers. Dedicated to the highest ideals of exploration, our corp culture is one of wanderlust, camaraderie, helpfulness, respectful behavior, and peaceful intent. We seek to provide our members with a friendly, nurturing home that includes great benefits and opportunities for learning, fun, and profit. Led today by Thrice Hapus, Katia Sae, and Johnny Splunk, Signal Cartel is part of the EvE-Scout Enclave. Thera is our HQ and home of our hearts although most of us don’t live there.

Corp Credo

The most important defining characteristic of our corp and alliance is our Credo. It is the foundation of our culture and drives our behavior and activities:

Signal Cartel is a service corporation to all of New Eden. In this role, members are encouraged to treat all players with respect regardless of affiliation. In challenging situations, our goal is to look for a graceful resolution and set an example of dignity and friendship through our actions.

We embrace the attitude of a true explorer: we are friendly to others in our travels, neutral and never initiating aggression, and endeavoring at all times be perceived by the New Eden community as a non-threat. Although we never intentionally seek to harm, we may defend our friends and our ships. In suffering losses, we respond with good cheer and shed no tears. In this way, we aim to be recognized and respected by all across the cluster and left in peace to do our work.

Among our own ranks and with others, we are patient and generous with knowledge, ideas, and experiences. We foster a mentoring culture by answering questions, freely sharing experiences and learning resources, and when possible offering rookies one-on-one tutoring.

Living the Credo

In endeavoring to uphold the Credo, it is important to understand that specific actions in the game are not aligned with it. All characters in the Alliance are representing Signal Cartel and what it stands for, while in New Eden or on related forums or media. Certain activities in the game, while legitimate game play for others, are not considered acceptable for pilots in our alliance. This includes: Piracy, baiting, or scamming; initiating aggression on other players’ ships, pods, or deployed structures; sovereignty interference; participating in NPSI fleets; aggressive actions in support of PvP fleets including boosts, cynos, bumping, or target intel; use of mobile siphons; corp or other theft; placing bounties. Note: Ships, wrecks and drones abandoned in space are considered salvage and may be harvested. Abandoned ships may not be destroyed.

“Why Do You Hate PvP?!”

We don’t! We understand that EvE is a PvP game. We respect and even like PvP; many Signal Cartel members enjoy PvP on out-of-corp characters. However, Signal Cartel has the goal of remaining neutral to everyone in New Eden in keeping with the overarching goals and programs of our alliance, EvE-Scout Enclave. Does this mean we can’t shoot back if we are attacked? Not at all…our members are permitted to defend themselves and each other. They are simply prohibited from initiating acts of PvP aggression.

Just because we don’t PvP doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun by fielding our trademarked Hugs Fleets or NPHI (Not purple, hug it) Fleets