Public:Katia49 Passing Through

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Only Passing Through, Honest

2ISU-Y IX, DL1C-E Gate

“A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.” – Groucho Marx

27.09.yc117 (2015) KW-1MV System < TJ10-O Constellation < Tenal Region

In an effort to stay on track, I’ve made a big push these last few weeks. I’ve gotten behind schedule and I’m hoping to be finished with K-Space before the holidays. (Known Space which includes High, Low, and Null Sec). The drone regions were fairly empty, so I was able to maintain a steady pace, but once I hit Vale of the Silent, the journey became a bit bumpy.


Some days I enjoy playing the cat and mouse game, some days I don’t. Lately, it’s been a bit more on the enjoyable side and yet nerve racking at the same time. After the boredom and long runs of seeing few in local in the drone regions, it came as a bit of a shock when I entered Vale, Tribute, Venal, and Tenal. There’ve been plenty of pipes and pockets with people. (Sorry! I couldn’t help myself!) Not just a few folks, but lots of folks. Lots of activity. I know one thing, the closer I get to completing K-Space, the more nervous I’m getting, and the fewer risk I’m willing to take.

I did have one interesting run in. I got to meet Dirk MacGirk, of Podside fame, in local. To me, that has to be one of the biggest advantages that Eve Online has over other online games, the single shard universe. When you hear of some of the great battles in Eve, read blogs, and listen to podcast, among the many other things that go on each day in New Eden, they are all happening on the same server that you’re in. Anyway, we said hello in local, exchanged a couple of friendly in game mails, then a couple of his corp/alliance mates tried to catch me, I escaped, and our lives went on. I’ll make a quick plug here for his new show called Open Comms.


One more plug while I’m at it. Roc Wieler has a new album coming out! Very cool. I admit it, I’m a fan, enjoy his music, and I’ve already pre-ordered his new one. The Eve community has some great talent and Roc is one of the excecptional ones. He’s a fan of the game and it shows. So, check it out. My personal favorites are his “YC113” and the “New Eden Soundtrack”.

Lastly, a shout out to Joffy Aulx-Gao, thanks for keeping up with me and Mynxee for offering to make a care package run out to me!