Public:Katia29 Catching Fire

Catching Fire


And if the night is burning, I will cover my eyes. – “I See Fire”, Ed Sheeran performed by Peter Hollens

05.10.yc116 (2014) R-K4QY System < XR9-LP Constellation < Catch Region

The Catch Region, by far, is the most contested, busiest region I’ve traveled yet. Very few systems are empty. There’s usually at least one other in system or passing through as I’ve gone about my exploration. The Brave Collective owns most of the systems in the region and there are several pockets that have been hotly contested the last several weeks. Just take a look at Dotlan Evemaps at the most violet systems and you’ll see Catch has had at least two in the top five. It’s slowed my progress considerably as I’ve had to be more cautious than usual. Hundreds, even thousands of ships and pods have been lost in border and surrounding systems near Providence, Stain, and Khanid. In particular, BR-N97, GE-8JV, and HED-GP.

Globscho Thorson

Having entered the Catch Region from Querious, the first one I hit was GE-8JV. This system alone has had on average 800+ ships losses per 24 hour period daily. I quietly and quickly explored the system and managed to squeak through as the combatants were more interested in each other, than me. I made my way through the constellation T-1WDH that lead to Impass, ran an outbound gate camp of 6 or so ships into the border system E3-SDZ, and they decided to follow me through. I had an interesting conversation with Globscho Thorson of Herrscher der Zeit, Test Alliance Please Ignore. It was a fun conversation. We chatted in local as I’m sure they were hunting me, covering the gates, and I went about my exploration. I hope I had earned some respect as an experienced explorer, even more so now with six Null Sec regions under my belt, I’m fairly certain I can add Null Sec experienced explorer to that. They certainly earned my respect, between the friendly banter, each of us knowing I would do my best to evade them, and they would do their best to catch me. I continued my exploration.


I had to turn around and venture back through the hotly contested system of GE-8JV in order to continue with Catch. Next up was the border system HED-GP into Empire space, a heavily camped system containing opportunistic capsuleers trying to catch ships making their way through the pipe from Empire to Null and vice versa. It’s also not too far away from the conflict taking place at the Providence border systems, which I continue to make my way towards.

As I’ve said, Catch has been hot, busy, slow, and tedious. I’m hoping to finish up the region over the next week and move on.



"Now I’m all homesick :_(" - Louis DeGuerre