Public:Katia57 Celebrations


“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag, Writer/Filmmaker

Signal Cartel Tower

31.1.yc118 (2016) J162007 System < E-C00262 Constellation < E-R00026 Region

On 20.1.yc118 (January 20th, 2016), Signal Cartel had its first birthday and today, I celebrate my 1 year anniversary as a Signaleer. What an amazing year it has been. The corporation grew quickly, far faster than I would have ever thought. I think when I joined, we had less than 10 capsuleers and today the corp stands at 740+ members which is where we’ve been holding steady at for a while now. Like Mynxee, whom I’ve heard comment along the same lines, I never would have dreamed there’d be that many explorers of New Eden that would join up in a corp together. For the most part, exploration is very much a solo’ers endeavor. We’ve had many to come and go, which is to be expected and I’m honored to be among 7 of us that are celebrating our first year in the corp this month.

So, why or what is it that draws capsuleers to Signal Cartel? I can only speak for myself, but I do believe in the beginning it was the credo that spoke to many of us. We also had EvE-Scout’s solid reputation with the Thera scouting service as well as Mynxee’s reputation as an experienced and solid corporation CEO. (Albeit, a former but now reformed pirate with an explorer’s heart! *hugs*) SC Home IIIt was a year ago I posted “Can’t stop the Signal”, which has become our unofficial motto, and it speaks to what I saw in the corp’s potential and why I joined. Just the day before, Mynxee posted “Another Exciting Sandcastle”. It certainly has been and continues to be! Nothing has changed at all and I couldn’t be any happier with my decision and it’s such a pleasure to see so many that share the same heart as I.

Hugs delivered to Dorian Reu

Today, I believe it’s our size and reputation as a home to explorers that draws others to us. That’s not a problem per say, but it does present challenges from some (not all) of our newer members that question our credo whom you can tell just glanced over it. I’m glad to see our leadership has held firm to our core beliefs and have sought to keep our reputation as neutral explorers with integrity as our primary goal, rather than bending the credo to make everyone happy. It tells me we are a corp that seeks like-minded quality members and not a corp that’s about quantity. That’s not to say to those members who have left are not quality members, far from it. It simply means our home was not in tune with their heart and they have moved on to find their own home.

This last year for me personally, I’ve seen the conclusion of my K-Space exploration and the beginning of wormhole space. I’m now just over 100 wormholes explored, including Signal Cartel’s home system of Thera as well as our wormhole system that our POS is located, which I’ll not name. Special shout-out and thanks to Dorian Reu, who scouted me into our POS home system and gave me the tour. Today’s images are from there.

Fly clever and here’s to another great year in Signal Cartel! If you’re interested in joining, here’s how. Be sure to read the Credo. 😉


"Thanks so much for writing this! It’s been a great year, and now that all my brain cells are not occupied with the First Birthday Bash, I hope to blog about it too. Happy Anniversary on a year in Signal Cartel…hard to believe it’s been that long!!! I was never more thrilled than when I saw your app hit in-game!" - Mynxee

"It tells me we are a corp that seeks like-minded quality members and not a corp that’s about quantity.” - Katia Sae

"This would be the defining feature for me and I’m glad this is how you experience it. I’m still very new to Signal Cartel (just finishing up my first month). I joined because the credo appealed to me and was perfectly in line with my personal attitude towards EvE and its inhabitants, but it takes time and experience to see how an organization follows through with its ideals. I’m starting to see that now, and I love it.

Looking forward to becoming more involved, timezones and playtimes permitting.

o7" - Josca Aldent