Public:Katia76 SC Four Years

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Signal Cartel Celebrating Four Years

January 31st marks Signal Cartel’s official birthday at four years old now. We had a great time today celebrating with a hugs fleet lead by our resident FC Theana Gaterau. Who’s always done our PVE fleets, but this was a first time doing a hugs fleet, and she did a great job. We wandered like explorers do and found ourselves first in Low Sec then off to Null. I couldn’t tell you where, not OpSec or anything, it’s all I can do to keep up as my fleet experience leaves a lot to be desired. 😊 We landed on some fun targets, I mean, hug recipients, and many hugs were had by all, until we were encouraged to move on… can’t wait to read the AAR on it.

So, most of us took the express route back to Thera, both voluntarily and involuntarily, and tried our hand at a Kick the Shuttle to the base event with two opposing teams and a SC “Football” shuttle we dropped between two of the stations in Thera. The goal, no pun intended, was to bump the shuttle as close as you could to the teams goal station. But, the fans were a rowdy bunch, jumping on the field of play, and ended up popping our football. What can we say, our fans love a good game.

We docked up for another go round but decided we should just give our fans what they wanted, so we had a Last Signaleer Standing event, we all undocked and orbited Paleo station in Thera, passing out hugs as best we could, until the last of us was hugged to death, literally. 😉 Great fleet, great fans, and a great time for all involved.

At the start of our festivities today, I was asked to say some things as the longest remaining original member, having joined on January 31st during the corps initial public opening. Had no clue as to what to say, I’m sure I rambled, likely didn’t make some sense from time to time, but I was honored to have been asked by Spacemom Mynxee, how could I say no? I went back over my old post when I first joined and some birthdays since and wanted to share more of our corps experiences, but felt I had bored folks enough and I could just link some here and they can read if they like. After that, how about some screenshots from today?

It’s truly been an honor and privilege to fly with such a group of fine folks in Signal Cartel. Never once did I foresee what we’ve become. If Mynxee had said one day we’ll be 500 strong with a peaceful, fun loving, neutral to all of New Eden reputation, I would have laughed out loud. But wow, here we are. There’s too many folks to name, thank, and work hard behind the scenes that keep us where we are today, so I’ll not attempt to do that, because it does take each and everyone of us to do our part to keep it great. So to my fellow Signaleers, thank you.


"What a lovely post! We truly have built something special…the esprit de corps in Signal is something to behold!!! No one is more surprised than me about how things have evolved and how they remain so energized! Much love to you, we are proud to call you one of us!" - Mynxee

"Thanks Spacemom. 🙂 I’m just happy to be here. We, the members, are only reflections of our great leadership." - Katia Sae

"Congratulations on your anniversary! You are a truly unique bunch, probably the closest to Sisters of Eve, in spirit, corporation that capsuleers ever created.

I absolutely loved the idea of space football – had a good laugh imagining two mobs trying to bump the shuttle.

One day, when I am through with career agents and SOE arc, I might apply for corp membership. Hope the Cartel will still be around, and wish you many happy returns of the day." - Vladimir Korff

"Thanks! It was the funniest thing, but I think the Last Signaleer standing was even funnier with all the wrecks and corpses around the station. Some of our members were collecting them! lol. Mynxee’s was going for top iskies.

I’ve no doubt Signal will prevail until the end of New Eden. We’ll be here, come join us when you’re ready." - Katia Sae

"Happy birthday Signal Cartel" 🙂 - Lodewijk Gonggrijp

"Always great to read your posts 🙂 Congrats!" - The Smoking Hertog