1420:Blood Raiders Pilgrimage

TripTik077 Expedition Highlights

Visit religious Blood Angels locations.


The Blood Angels are part of a cult called Sani Sabik, which is based on the concept of eternal life through blood rituals. This group is notorious across Amarr space. During this trip, you can learn more about their religion, including rituals, burial rites, and holy sites.


Waypoint 1

  • The Bonfire
  • Beacon: The Bonfire
  • System: Munory
  • Region: Kador
  • Security: 0.5

One of the reasons the Blood Raiders Cult was expelled from the Amarr Empire was the cruel and horrific sacrifices they conducted at this massive site. The components of this deadspace complex have been arranged like a bonfire, and echoes of many souls haunt the surroundings.

This is a COSMOS site, and agents are available if you have the proper standing with the Amarr Empire.

The Bonfire.

Hetras Dakumon's Punisher.

Ormon Pasik's Crucifier.

Waypoint 2

  • Blood Raiders Crypt
  • Beacon: Port Maphante
  • System: Garisas
  • Region: Kador
  • Security: 0.5

From the Port Maphante beacon, use the warp acceleration gate to reach the Blood Raider's Crypt. Beware: locals will attack you on sight, so it’s better to have cloaking capabilities. An Amarr Military Station Ruin oversees the place, while Blood Raider ships swarm the site.

The Crypt, comprised of an impressive and organized cluster of bunkers, serves as the repository of Blood Raiders' knowledge about the Araz constellation. Burial rites play a major role in the Blood Raider’s religion, with every member's death being recorded in the Book of the Dead. This thousand-year-old book, currently in digital form which can be found in this location, records the devotion and crimes of each member.

This is a COSMOS site. Some COSMOS wrecks float in the ruin’s surrounding space.

Amarr Military Station Ruins.

Blood Raiders Installer.

Blood Raiders Finder.

Blood Raiders Processer.

Blood Raiders Stored Rubble.

Blood Raiders Bunker.

Blood Raiders Compiler.

Blood Raiders Crypt.

Waypoint 3

  • Blood Reach
  • Beacon: Blood Reach
  • System: CX8-6K
  • Region: Delve
  • Security: -0.4

Blood trails lead to a sinister Raiders' pilgrimage deep in Delve NS space. The site welcomes you with a signpost, which alone is worth the trip. A converted Blood Raider Cathedral dominates the entire site, connected to other structures by heavy fortifications. Habitation modules are dedicated to incoming pilgrims. Blood Raiders are devout albeit twisted people. In this place, faithful pilgrims have access to accommodation, bloody rituals, and even bloodsport arenas and games. Strong security oversees the place.

This site is a COSMOS site, and agents are available if you have the proper standing with the Blood Raiders.

Sign Post.

Habitation Module.

Bloodsport Arena.

Landing Pad.

Yekti Kimebu's Malediction.

Neyan Khahsel's Baalgorn.

Blood Raider Bunker.

Dalitat Dakpor's Damnation.

Charit Rish's Baalgorn.

Ripped Superstructure.

Blood Raider Cathedral.

For more context and details

Eve Travel Blood Reach

Eve Uni New Eden Tour Guide

Eve Uni Blood Raider Cosmos Missions

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Researcher: Strelnikova

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