1420:ORE Technologies Testing Yard

TripTik091 Expedition Highlights

Visit the R&D facility where all our beloved miner hulls come to light.


Deep in Outer Ring, one of the richest companies in New Eden operates. They are so wealthy that they prefer to hire Mordu’s Legion for heavy security rather than masking the deadspace signature of this installation.


The site is massive. In the middle of an asteroid belt, multiple installations and shipyards conduct their own operations. The main R&D takes place in an Azbel Upwell structure. A Gallente station and a mining colony are used for recreation and as habitat modules for employees. The final structure is a detached Athanor. The true beauty of this site lies in the multiple shipyards, which constantly manufacture our beloved Orcas, Porpoises, Barges, and Exhumers, along with a fiery display of perfectly aligned ORE hulls. This is no place for intruders: three wings of Orthrus-class cruisers and Barghest-class battleships, flying the Mordu’s Legion flag, patrol the area. A must-see TripTik for any miner!

Site overview.

ORE Technologies Applied Research Center.

Orca Shipyard.

Asteroid Colony.

Rorqual Testing Yard 1.

Rorqual Testing Yard 2.

ORE Recreational Station.

ORE Showrooms.

ORE Athanor.

Mordu's Legion Security.

For more context and details

New Eden Tour Guide Outer Ring

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Researcher: Strelnikova

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