1420:Viral Terror
TripTik028 Expedition Highlights
A series of sites that will take you through Low Security Space and NPC Null Space that hold mysteries surrounding a great disaster
In early YC 119 several locations across Eve were quarantined and subsequently confirmed to be infected with the Kyonoke plague in what was later determined to be a deliberate attack which resulted in the deaths of over 22 million people.
- In approximately YC 98 an epidemic broke out in a mine in Taisy. The mine, known as the Kyonoke Pit, became the namesake of the Kyonoke Plague which has a 100% mortality rate. The area was quarantined, shutdown, and cordoned off by Caldari security forces. In the early days of the outbreaks of YC 119, a breach was discovered to have occurred at the Kyonoke Pit in Taisy shortly before the outbreaks began. In YC 119 researchers came to the conclusion that the viral protein was very possibly engineered for weaponized military use.
- Taisy VIII can be warped to and there is a reference: "Taisy VIII (Kyonoke Pit)". There is one dockable station in this system.
- In YC 119 a space elevator servicing Muttokon II was placed under quarantine and towed to high orbit after an outbreak of the Kyonoke infection was confirmed. The orbital platform was eventually sterilized and then de-orbited and allowed to burn up in the atmosphere of Muttokon II during re-entry. 230,000 people lost their lives. However, over 700,000 people stranded on Muttokon were saved by these actions.
- Muttokon II can be warped to. There are no dockable stations in this system.
- About the same time that the events on Muttokon were transpiring, a ship crashed outside the city limits of Myrskaa on Oijanen II. A couple of days after an individual from the crash was taken into a medical facility in the city the entire city was sealed off and placed under quarantine affecting 36 million people. A state of emergency was declared with martial law being instituted after Kyonoke was confirmed to be spreading across the city. The antidote developed in the Postouvin system was eventually released saving millions of lives, but not before 14.7 million inhabitants lost their lives in the outbreak. After evacuation, Myrskaa was completely razed using anti-matter warheads and a rebuilding effort was started.
- Oijanen II can be warped to. There are no dockable stations in this system.
- Efu - Genolution facility at planet V moon 1
- Some days later a statement was issued by Genolution indicating they had sealed off 9 decks on board its biotech production facility in orbit of Efu V Moon 1. It was confirmed that the Kyonoke infection was the cause of the quarantine actions. The antidote was released in the affected decks saving over 350,000 lives. However, more than 370,000 lost their lives. The affected decks were sterilized by opening the airlocks and exposing them to the vacuum of space for 48 hours to destroy any vestiges of the deadly Kyonoke protein. The lab was then cleaned up and later reopened. Mandatory inoculation of agent 0410 for all new personnel is still in place.
- The Genolution facility can be warped to and docked in.
- Postouvin IV - Kyonoke Memorial Research Site. Keepstar and Astral Mining Facility
- At roughly the same time that the outbreak began in Efu, Astral Mining lost contact with a prospecting facility near Postouvin IV. Like all the other sites, an outbreak of the Kyonoke plague was confirmed.
- The Society of Conscious Thought began constructing a KeepStar around the facility to conduct research on a solution to the Kyonoke crisis. Kyonoke Plague Antidote A116-0410-1, commonly known as "0410", was eventually developed. 90 percent (7.2 million) of the estimated 8 million inhabitants of the mining facility perished in the plague. Out of the more than 265 million present aboard the H4-RP4 Keepstar, only 307 died before emergency dissemination of the counter-agent saved the facility from utter disaster. The mining facility was mothballed and turned into a memorial to the lives lost across New Eden.
- The efforts of the SoCT to coordinate a massive effort involved scientists from all four quarters of the cluster and surely kept Kyonoke from eventually spreading to other areas of New Eden.
- A beacon marks the spot of the Kyonoke Memorial Research Site which is near Postouvin IV. There are no dockable stations in this system.
Taisy VIII Moon I - Kyonoke Pit Marker.
Keepstar in Postouvin.
Keepstar around Mining facility.
Astral Mining facility.
In Orbit Around Postouvin IV.
For more context and details
Summaries of the overall events and how they tie together:
A timeline of the events can be followed at the links below. There are a TON of news articles progressing through this event chronologically as it unfolded.
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